Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Beautiful Mind

For the last 2-3 years I have been following the teachings of a man named David Icke. David Icke has been labled many things including prophet, maniac, seer, liar, wiseman and hoaxist but I prefer the term "progressive thinker". Icke's teachings revolve around the theory of a designed manipulation of the masses through media, misinformation, forced beliefs, hidden truths, propaganda and subliminal messages as well as physical mutation caused by drugs, alcohal, enviromental changes and the genetic alterations of most name brand, shelf-bought foods and ingested chemicals (Sodium fluoride, Aspartame, etc.). His theory dictates that this manipulation began during the dawn of "civilized" man with the babylonians being taught architecture, astrology, astronomy, mathmatics, record keeping and agriculture by a group of reptilian out worlders named the Annunaki. This theory was later given scientific merit when a scientist named Zacariah Sitchen began translating a set of stone tablets dated back to ancient Sumeria that told a similar story. Icke teaches that this race of out worlders began taking humans as mates and created a hybrid bloodline that would become the heirarchy of the planet's elite known as the Illuminati. Through geneology experiments he has connected an astounding amount of powerful people to this bloodline from Cleopatra to George Bush. It is Icke's (and many others) belief that there is an "Illuminati final solution" that calls for the absolute genocide of over 6 billion people worldwide, leaving a mere 500,000 human beings left alive in order to create a more sustainable and easily controlled planet. This theory (called agenda 21) was all but confirmed in a speech given by former president Clinton when he announced the creation of the presidents council for a sustainable future. Icke also teaches that all the human being can process visually is luminescant light or objects that refract light and that we live in a universe where 90% of all matter in non-luminescant or invisible to the human eye. He contests that it is within this anti-matter that the forces controlling our world reside. No matter wether you believe in the history he teaches or not, the one thing that the man teaches more than anything is unconditional love for all existence within the infinite conciousness and the constant growth and evolution of the mortal mind. That'a a lesson best learned by all, believers or not. His legend has grown ten fold with the accurate predictions of 9/11, the war in the middle east and many more along with an incredibly succesful line of books available on-line and in some select libraries. In essence, the teachings of Icke are "take what you want and leave the rest" pieces of knowledge but there is absolutely no doubt that this is a man worth listening to.


  1. A little over my head. I guess I'd rather not know about the future. Besides, everyone that has ever made predictions that have come true have never been taken seriously until after the event(s) has(have) happened. But if we were to know what was going to happen and were to do something to alter the occurrence from happening, then that would make the prediction wrong and possibly make all the others to come wrong. Then what would happen? To me, things happen because they were meant to happen. I'm not saying that I believe in destiny, but things do fail and go wrong.

  2. Progressive thinkers. without them, without their new views on things we'd all still be farminb feilds with horses and troffs. Things need to be invented. people need to be pissed off at others so they can see things from a different point of view. We need to push the limits and bend the rules to get things done. without this we are less than what we could be.

  3. You should seriously think about writting futuristic screen plays. I think the complexity in which you write you be perfect for film because your words serve as visual stimuli, and jumps off the page.

  4. Sounds like he is a little paraniod. Sometimes the only way to predict future events is by seeing things in a different light. Paranioa could very easily be the difference in just seeing and really seeing.
