Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome to my world

Aloha y'all, I'd like to thank you for venturing into my blog zone. The opinions and views that you find here will be controversial, thought provoking and hopefully on occasion, offensive to your sensibilities. I choose to think outside of the box and strive for universal understanding as opposed to human logic. In my world there is no life or death, just infinite transitional energies that collect and share information with each other as our paths cross. Examine the content you find here carefully and disregard the programming that you have been subjected to. They say a mind is like a parachute, it only works if it's open. Welcome to my world.


  1. right on man. this is the first blog i've read out of our groups but i can say i like what i'm hearing. you cant get anywhere withough controversy. just look at dr. martin luther kin jr. i dont think alot of people agreed with his ideas until they finally opened their eyes and decided to notice that not everyones the same and its alright to be different. I think i'm gonna like what i read here

  2. I'll be looking forward to your future posts. I kind of like to hear other people's opinions on matters. It gives one a chance to see a different view. Most of the time, it's helpful on life changing matters.

  3. After reading that you got my mind open like a pot head. You can see by how you write you are very artistic, the fluency and intelect let's me know you think outside the box.
